27 January 2010


As I was rushing out of the house this morning at 8:20am needing to be at a meeting at work by 8:30am, I decided to pre-butter/powder sugar/syrup and cut my waffle and put it in a bowl to go. While trying to maneuver all that, I realised that I forgot this place:

Eating breakfast at Konos is the opposite of what I experienced this morning. To the left of this shot is the Pacific Ocean...ok, well there's this little shop of knick-knacks but on the other side of that, ocean. The last time the hubs and I visited San Diego we ate breakfast here and then drove down to Mission Beach to the spot where we were married.

Here we are on that visit:

The picture above was taken almost two years to the day after our wedding August 12, 2006.

It was pretty much the best wedding ever. I'd do it all over again any day.

26 January 2010

The plan is to eat, a lot.

After a long and grueling week of working 4 days in a row, I'm preparing to leave for sunnier pastures in Southern California, that is assuming the land between LA and San Diego does not slide off into the sea before Friday.  At approx 8:30am, I am wheels up from MCI to LAX. bing.com tells me that in in roughly 1 hour from landing, I will have arrived at my destination, not accounting for a stop at this place for a single, animal style, fries and a chocolate shake.

But that's not all.  Also on the list is Wahoo's Fish Taco (thanks to this guy for taking a photo).  I was first introduced to Wahoo's by my good friends Aaron & Jenny. Its hard not include it in the regular rotation now. Note to self: take my own picture of Wahoo's.

And we're not calling it quits there. For legendary ocean-side dining, I'm planning on stopping at George's at the Cove before after a inevitable visit to Torrey Pines.

And last but not least is Pedro's Taco's in San Clemente, CA.Two words, Fish. Tacos.

I can't wait! I'm going to practice eating the rest of the week, just to get ready.

21 January 2010


This is a photo of me and my Aunt Dorothy (AKA Dot).  She was my mom's only sibling. My family has never been on for keepstakes or mementos.  Very few items are preserved as "precious".  Until recently this and other photos of me as a little girl were packed away in a bag that was in a box in someone else's stuff.  Who knows why they got these picture out or why they finally decided to give them to someone in the family who would cherish them but I'm thankful for the change of heart.

16 January 2010

El Duderino

I was in my third year of university at Mizzou when the Coen brothers released The Big Lebowski.  Clearly, Raising Arizona was brilliant, The Hudsucker Proxy was notable but after 10 minutes of Fargo I took the movie out of the DVD player and vowed to never watch it again. I don't know why I cannot sleep past 6:30am most days but today at least, I'm relieved that I have the option to watch The Big Lebowski instead of Fargo.

A little sample for you...

The Stranger: [voiceover] Way out west there was this fella I wanna tell ya about. Goes by the name of Jeff Lebowski. At least that was the handle his loving parents gave him, but he never had much use for it himself. See, this Lebowski, he called himself "The Dude". Now, "Dude" - there's a name no man would self-apply where I come from. But then there was a lot about the Dude that didn't make a whole lot of sense. And a lot about where he lived, likewise.

14 January 2010

Harder than you'd think

As I try to get my blogging legs under me, I find that my writing style has been greatly influenced by social media outlets such as Facebook and Twtter.  This in addition to mention the massive amount of texts I generate on a daily basis mean that completing a thought in 140-160 characters has become second nature.  Breaking those poor habits makes me even more excited about my blog as the days go by.

11 January 2010

Books I want to read

I recently attended a talk given by couple of interesting characters called Dale and Jonalyn Fincher. The are founders of Soulation and authors of Living with Questions and Ruby Slippers respectively.  I don't know much about them other than what they shared in the group talk but it was enough to make me want to learn more.  One thing I found absolutely gripping was their exploration of gender.

I don't have much to say about my gender, I don't think of it much. But as I consider gender more, I have to admit that I don't think about it because I pretty much operate on the typical assumptions and generalizations of what it means to be a masculine or feminine.  I admit that is totally lame and so I want to read Rudy Slippers not to find answers but to consider some new questions to ask.

Perhaps after I've finished reading The Next Front I'll go for a little literary whiplash and give the Fincher publications a whirl.

08 January 2010


Just a few of my thoughts from today. I don't want to should on myself but I wonder how much I should blog?  I don't wanna be that guy either. But is that guy the guy who starts a blog one day and never updates again? Or is that guy a multi-blog per day guy? Do I want my decisions to be based on what I don't want or what I do want? Does this blog about blogging count as a blog?  Can I develop my discipline of blogging? Or is that an overstatement of this practice?

07 January 2010

Life in the Sandbox

Last weekend I went to church notable but not the interesting part of my story. During my time there, I connected with something that was said and it was one of those times when I knew I'd remember those words for the rest of my life. It went something like this:

Think of life as a sandbox. In the sandbox, you have a merry-go-round, a teeter-totter, monkey bars and so on. In the sandbox, you can choose what you want to play on, for how long and in what order. The choice is truly all yours within the boundaries of the sandbox. This is how we can begin to grasp an understand of God's "will."

I'm no philosopher and I'm not going to analyze the Truth, truth or truths of that analogy. I get it and I'd like to think of life as a sandbox. Who doesn't like a sandbox? (FYI - My sandbox looks a lot like Mission Bay in San Diego, CA.) First order of business for this year is to build myself a sandcastle.