No suspense needed on this one, the Missouri summer kicked into high gear two days ago and has been relentless ever since. After being gone for a weekend stay/dog sitting stint and the house that shall be mine, we were welcomed home to the current dwelling with a balmy 90+ degree temperature on the inside. The thermostat circa 1920 only goes up to 90.
After 30(ish) minutes of pretending like that the temperature was going to work itself down from the tizzy it was in to something tolerable by humans was futile. Every single window was open as wide as it would go. The air circulating fan was on high speed and the hubs and I proceeded to melt into puddles drip, by sweat soaked drip. Being cheap is one thing, but being found dead in your apartment is another ballgame, one in which I'm not willing to pay. So I said "uncle" to the heat. I admitted we were fighting a losing battle and clicked the miraculous little button that saved us all from "off" to "cool." It's still 87 degrees but were moving in the right direction.
Thank God for the little button.