11 February 2010


Vacation was nothing I thought it would be and everything I wanted but didn't know it. Initially it was going to be a getaway for me and the hubs. We were going to go to a)Southern California, b) Colorado c) New Orleans.   He was going to buy the tickets and suprise me with the location. 
In a series of events that can only be summerized with "that just happened" we agreed to go on vacation with 2 other families. I'll say it, I expected chaos. I mean going on  vacation with 10 people including kids and that baby, sounded like crazytown.  The awesome part is that going on vacation with these people:
and these kids:

was definitely one of the best vacations I have ever had. The end result was a week of friends, fun and laughter that I'll never, ever forget...mostly because my friends took thousands of photos.  

Yes, I would absolutely take the "8 other people are coming with you" surprise vacation again.

I said I would eat a lot, and I did, more about that later.

*Photo credits in this blog to Laurie Creach.


  1. Sounds like a pretty unique chemistry. You're lucky. And may not want to declare yourself open to an undefined "8 other people" on vacation...

  2. Good point DVD. The "8 other people" have been established. While I would the change future location, I would not change participants.
