04 May 2010

Jury Duty: FML or Honored to Serve?

My bad, I completely and totally forgot to call in to see if I my presence was required for jury duty last night. So this morning at 7am when I'm leisurely checking my calendar for the day, I'm reminded that I need to check in again today AND that I never called the night before. So I call and of course, my number's up and I have to report to the courthouse by 8am.  And I'm still in BED! FML!

In record time, I'm showered, dressed (in nice clothes even) and out the door. I managed to make it just in time.  I was cranky but present.  The juror instruction sheet  said there would be coffee and snacks, and indeed both were present but for some reason my only option for coffee cups were these shot glass sized Styrofoam things. I didn't even care, I loaded up two cups (sorry environment) and went and sat down. There were about 150 plain glazed donuts too but I'm still trying not to think about the fact that I opted for a granola bar instead.

The good news is that there are 2 criminal cases on the docket for the day. I was gonna see some action, at least get to the voire dire part of the morning. Then after an somewhat entertaining hour and a half we were separated into two groups and group one goes off to their courtroom. I don't know if all marshals are funny but ours liked to crack jokes on themselves (donuts, had to see that one coming) and hair (or lack there of). 

Anyway, as the rest of us in the second group are eagerly awaiting for our chance, the judge comes in.  Now, since that did not happen with the first group, I know something is up. I'm distracted because I really regret not having a donut but I managed focused long enough to hear the judge say, "Well, some of you are going to be happy and some of you are not."  Come to find out the defendant plead guilty and we were all discharged.

Since I technically did not serve, I'm still on-call the rest of the week. This  was just enough insight to the process that I'm actually excited about being able to return one day. I mean after all, it is Juror Appreciation Week, what better time to offer my civic involvement? And if nothing else, if I'm called back, I'm having a donut.

1 comment:

  1. I was called 3 weeks ago to sit on a jury. Criminal case. I served 5 days! I couldn't believe it. I just didn't expect to report there on a Monday morning, and to not see my cube at Webster for a whole week! I am glad to have had the opportunity so I know what it's like. What I was surprised by was that, even though the guy was guilty (of trying to kill a man and harm his wife, who was 7 months pregnant at the time), I could barely hold back the tears as the verdict was read and he was taken away in handcuffs. Not good times.
