27 May 2010

Blues and greens are serene

I want to live in a space that's relaxing and inviting. I want to feel like I'm in Southern California year round. Then I saw this photo and it was love at first sight:

I think this bright color combination will give me what I want without looking like a circus. That blue wall is scary and intriguing all at once. But as a good friend reminded me last night, "its just paint."

This is the vision. Now I'll just have to start pulling the pieces together.

Photo & ideas from: http://www.younghouselove.com/


  1. Love it! I just saw this on YHL too. :) I'm excited to see the pieces come together! I've been drawing on beach inspirations too for the new LA life. Think chic beach like above. I'm craving a clean and fresh look in the old rental! :) I just don't think that we could paint...could be wrong though.

  2. You so can do this, you can even make it look better! I think we really need to go to IKEA again to make this happen. Road Trip!

  3. I think this is awesome and i LOVE the blue walls. i think its great that the first room you are looking at doing is the bedroom. Can't wait to see the rest of the house plan.
