24 June 2010

Operation Pack Smart

I don't like to brag but in this case, it must be done.

Over the course of the past two weeks, I devised a packing plan that would make it so that I could celebrate the hubs and his 30+ years of life.  Well in what may be the greatest feat of organization, planning and strategery of my lifetime, I did it.  Small increments of packing over a two week period means that last night at 11:00pm CST, I packed the last dish in the last box.  That includes closets, drawers, the pantry, bathroom, everything. 

That being said, this weekend will rocketh mucheth. Happy birthday hubs, you're getting a house. Hope you like it.

1 comment:

  1. hope this post didn't spoil the surprise!

    (and your stuff was well packed)
