29 November 2010

Joy to the World, part 2

Today is my birthday and while I realized that my introduction to the world did not have the weight as Jesus but I like to think I've done more good than harm with my time on this earth.

I'm not sure what all one says in a birthday blog. I just thought it was an occasion worth noting. I have no wishes because the life I live is cooler than my wildest dreams. I picked out some notable moments from the past year in no particular order:

Martinis and Manicures @ Room 38

My first LV bag hasn't left my side since then

Graduation night I came in a Bachelor and left a Master

I said goodbye to some friends

Had one of the most legendary vacations ever
Bought a house
Provided housing for an undocumented Mexican-Italian
Represented on The Nationwide Leader in Sports

19 November 2010

Joy to the World

I appreciate Thanksgiving and all but I admit it is also in many ways merely a gateway to Christmas. The very first order of business by way of welcoming the Christmas season is to watch the classic movie Christmas Vacation.  After that I'll start with a regular rotation of other favorites like The Holiday, Love Actually, Elf (the one Will Ferrell movie that does not make me want to punch him in the face), and A Christmas Story. Not because I like it all that much but because its what you do when its Christmas, you watch a Christmas Story. If you're really serious about it, you watch some portion the 24 hours of it on TBS because its awesome.

Nothing Changes but the Seasons

When I was in college a movie called Beautiful Girls was one of my absolute favorites. Its sort a grown up coming of age story from the perspective of a man who returns to his home town for a high school reunion. It's got laugh's, it's got drama, it's got Rosie O'Donnell and it's got an awkwardly realistic ending where one of the high school buddies offers the main character a farewell along the lines of "Come back and see us, nothing changes here but the seasons." 

Day to day living feels very much the same, I'd even say it seems boring most of the time. Then a big change happens and a friend moves away. All of a sudden I'm engulfed by the minutia, the tiny bits of life and relationship with that person that overtime became overlooked and unappreciated.  Game changed. Now, in my head, its all changes all the time. Nothing is the same. And I'm not convinced that this upside down world will ever right itself. Why did I not appreciate those little bits more while I could?

I've said a lot of goodbyes in my day. Its an geographical hazard when you live in a college town where residents tend to be more transient than most places. Whenever that happens, that scene from Beautiful Girls comes to mind because in my experience its so real. The leaving is such a big deal in the moment but there will come a point, and it's always sooner rather than later, when the change will feel less big.  And the distance will settle in. And equilibrium returns. And this becomes part of the story I tell about back in the day when those friends lived in that house. And the only thing that seems to change, is the season.

07 November 2010

Working for the sake of my sanity

Its Sunday and I'm working. I'm not a holy roller. I don't even know what that means but I invoke it here to point out that I don't work at a place of worship. Although you would not have believed that a few weekends ago when the worship of all things Homecoming was upon us.  So maybe I'll say, I don't work at a conventional place of worship. That being said, there is some hope that working this morning will save me some stress come tomorrow and the rest of the week. Not eliminate, I'm not an optimist and the glass is solidly still half empty, just reduce the chances that I go off the deep end, punch someone in the face and walk out on my job.  That seems to be the most logical alternative. So to avoid that, I work. Which is what I should go do right now.